Catalogue Vente aux encheres No. 1. October 8, 1974.
CHF 1,000 - 1,200
(DROUOT - PARIS) - Me Etienne ADER Catalogue Vente aux encheres:
Collection Jubinal de Saint-Albin. April 1, 1938.
CHF 100 - 120
Collection Ernst Sarasin Ponder Miihll. November 18, 1948.
CHF 400 - 500
Antoine Louis Breguet. Autograph manuscript, circa 1793.
Most interesting comments by the son of the eminent Abraham Louis Breguet about the necessity for public clocks to indicate mean-time instead of solar time as was the habit until the Revolution. - In order to show solar time, public clocks had to be adjusted every day according to the equation of time. Such adjustment should not be necessary for mean time. - Mean time was shown by public clocks, so that owners of watches and clocks could be able to adjust their timekeepers without having to consult the table of the equation of time.
CHF 1,200 - 1,400
Antoine Louis Breguet. Autograph letter, dated 12 July 1813.
Invoice for repairs, concerning 3 watches by Breguet: No. 1183, 1524 and 403.
CHF 500 - 600
Louis Moinet. Autograph Manuscript:
Manuscript: Echappement a ancre d'une seule levee, circa 1830. 4 pages in folio (the plate appears to have never been completed).
CHF 1,000 - 1,200
Traite General des Horloges. Paris 1734. 8 vo, 382 pp. + 10 pp. 25 folding plates. Original full calf with ribbed back and tooled decoration.
CHF 600 - 700
ANONYMOUS.L'Art de Connaitre et de Soigner les Montres et les Pendules.
Lyon 1899. 8 vo, 317 pp., 107 Figs. Rebound in calf and marbled boards.
CHF 120 - 150
BERTHOUD (Ferdinand). Essai sur L'Horlogerie; dans lequel on traite de cet
Art relativement a l'Usage Civil, a l'Astronomie et a la Navigation. Second edition, Paris 1786. In 4°, 2 volumes: Volume I, 477 pp. + 9 pp. of tables, 19 folding plates and list of illustrations. Volume II, 429 pp. + 21 index and list of illustrations, 19 folding plates. Original full calf with ribbed back and tooled decoration.
CHF 1,500 - 1,800
Second edition, Paris 1786. In 4°, 2 volumes: Volume I, 477 pp. + 9 pp. of tables, 19 folding plates and list of illustrations. Volume II, 429 pp. + 21 index and list of illustrations, 19 folding plates. Original full calf, the back with tooled decoration.
CHF 1,500 - 1,800
BERTHOUD (Ferdinand). L'Art de Regler et de Conduire les Pendules et les Mon tres.
Fifth edition, Paris 1828. In 16°, 188 pp., 5 folding plates. Rebound in marbled boards.
CHF 120 - 150
BERTHOUD et L. JANVIER. Manuel Roret. Nouveau regulateur des horloges, des montres et des pendules.
Encyclopedia Roret, Paris 1838. In 16°, 231 pp., 5 plates. Rebound in calf and marbled boards.
CHF 200 - 250
CAMUS de. Traite des Forces Mouvantes.
8vo, 535 pp., 8 folding plates. Original full calf with ribbed back and tooled decoration.
CHF 500 - 600
CHAPUIS Alfred. Montres et Emaux de Geneve. Collection H. Wilsdorf.
Limited edition of 600 copies for Montres Rolex S.A., Geneve, 1944. In 4°, 235 pp., 48 plates including 45 in colour. Expl. dedicated to Henri Bachelet. Calf and marbled board, the back with inlaid decoration.
CHF 500 - 600
DUBOIS, Pierre. Histoire de l'horlogerie depuis son origine jusqu'a nos fours.
Paris 1849. In 4°, 408 pp, very numerous illustrations. Shagreen ribbed back and marbled boards.
CHF 400 - 500
GELIS (Edouard). L'Horlogerie Ancienne.
Paris 1949, limited edition of 1500 copies of which this is No. 889. 8 vo, 255 pp., 110 plates of which 13 in colour. Original cloth boards.
CHF 150 - 180
GELIS (Edouard) CHAPUIS (Alfred). Le Mondes des Automates.
Paris 1928, limited edition of 1000 copies of which this is No. 709. In 4°, 2 volumes 800 pp. + 7 plates and 540 illustrations. Original paper binding.
CHF 1,000 - 1,200
Bale-est-Olten 1945. In 4°, 270 pp., 188 plates, 30 figs. and 40 plates in colour. Original cloth boards.
CHF 250 - 300